Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Settling Dream

The man’s face was gaunt with sunken eyes and a short, barely-there beard. He didn’t smile much and I soon learned he had little to count as joy. I had been sitting in a large open area of the mall watching my granddaughter climbing on a toy in the play area when the man approached and sat down. He was the first to speak, as though he needed a confessor. Listening has always come more easily than speaking for me, so I sat and listened to his story. He fumbled through words to express the weight of what the doctor delivered. Not much time left – a terminal diagnosis for a man who looked older than me but in reality was ten years younger. The urgency of his situation shook me out of my silence and I spoke out of compassion.
“Do you know where you’re going when you leave here?”
He knew I was referring to eternity, not the mall. For the first time in our conversation, he appeared agitated… annoyed. “How are things at the Baptist church?” He asked.
I was puzzled that he knew I was Baptist. I had barely introduced myself, let alone revealed my denomination. Are we so well known for our eagerness to talk about Heaven and Jesus? Is that really a flaw? Why was he so snide in the way he said it? What was it about Baptists that seized his mind and snatched away his civility?
Then I looked down at his lap and realized he was carrying a Bible. My expression most certainly betrayed my thoughts. Here is this stranger, a dying man who is offended at my concern for his destiny, carrying the very words of hope I count so dear. What wounds has he suffered that cause him to lash out like a dying beast.
Looking into his eyes, I realized he was no stranger. We were friends once, before he left like a thief, stealing the wind from our sails, forsaking everything sacred. For the first time now, I felt true pity on him that he can never return to former glory, choosing rather to be a vessel of dishonor. Was he ever truly one of us?
 “For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.” Hebrews 6:4-6 ESV


Barbara said...

Barbara, I love this blog entry. I see now that Darcy's gift came from you. I am trying to put together a blog of my own....a tough thing for this non-techy grandmother! I am so excited about this group but am such a beginner. The Lord is nudging me out of my comfort zone for sure! My love to you.

Mama Cross said...

Thank you! I'm definitely being "nudged" too. I don't have enough discipline and motivation when it comes to writing. I'm always thinking of things to write about, but they never make it to the screen. This will be a good exercise for both of us!