Psalm 19:1-3
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Last Saturday night, I had dinner with my big brother, Danny, and he began to tell me a story from childhood. He remembers going with Mom and Dad to Michigan to visit Aunt Doris when he was about 12 years old (a couple of years before I was born). It was very memorable for him because our family didn't travel much. While they were there, Aunt Doris gave them a set of World Book encyclopedias. (I remember those very clearly. I used them for every paper I wrote in elementary school.) Danny began to study things about the universe... The Milky Way, Andromeda, the distance between the Earth, the Sun, the planets and other things. He was fascinated by what he read. One clear night he went out onto the porch and sat gazing up at the stars and he realized there had to be a Creator. He prayed a simple prayer, "God Who made the stars, reveal Yourself to me." There was no immediate answer. In fact, it wasn't until Danny was sixteen that our family began to understand Who God is. After Danny asked Jesus to be his Savior, he remembered his prayer on the front porch on that starry night. God had finally revealed Himself. I'm very grateful for my big brother that he invited God into our lives.
Enjoyed your story about Danny. I hadn't heard that before. Who is in the picture?
And to think that his quiet prayer affected generations. I've always appreciated Uncle Dan's pensiveness. On hearing this story, I appreciate it even more.
P.S. You should let him listen to "Maybe There's A Loving God", my favorite song by Sara Groves about this very subject.
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