Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy Birthday, Rhys!

Happy Birthday, Rhys!

My sweet little grandson is two years old today. I just can't wait to see him on Saturday. He is so cute and so smart and just bubbling over with personality. Rhys has the most beautiful eyes. Everywhere he goes, people notice them. They are a beautiful blue with long dark eyelashes. He has a cute little voice and I love to hear the few words he mispronounces like watie (water) and Hoovie (Hoover). Rhys can say the alphabet and can count to about 20. I think he's a genius, especially in his communication ability. He was able to talk in sign language before he could communicate verbally. Great-Grandpa was very proud of that accomplishment. Rhys is a talker and he loves people. That may be a problem someday when he starts school, but for now he is cute, loveable and outgoing.

Happy birthday, Rhys! See you soon.




mandy said...

He amazes me pretty much every day... is much more aware, compassionate, and understanding than any 2 year old I've ever met.

I'm so glad you will be here for his party! Every once in awhile he'll say, "Go see Guimah Guipah today."

Darcy L.C. Wiley said...

You need to post the footage of him playing his new drumset. That was awesome!