Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Darcy's Birthday

Twenty-nine years ago, she was a 5-pound, 13-ounce preemie. Today, Darcy is a creative, sensitive and loving young woman.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." -Proverbs 31:30

Darcy is and always has been a beauty, and I think there have been times when she, like most girls, dreamed of being a model . She could be one, but she heard a different and stronger call. "This life is transient" she told me just yesterday. Darcy has often chosen to ignore the temporal and focus on the eternal. Though the two are often intertwined for all of us and the temporal plays a louder song, Darcy has listened for the drumbeat of Heaven.

As her mother, I'm very pleased that Darcy has traveled to many countries to tell others about Jesus. She has looked for opportunities near and far to further the cause of Christ. She writes and sings deep and meaningful song lyrics to communicate the Christian journey to others. She is an encourager.

Happy birthday, Darcy. I'm so blessed to be your mother.


Anonymous said...

And I'm so blessed to be her husband. What an amazing thing this life has become with Darcy as my companion. Paul wrote to the unmarried that it is better for them to stay unmarried. Having joined forces with my Darcy, I beg to differ. :) Knowing I'll spend forever with her is like rich icing on the cake of my salvation.

Darcy L.C. Wiley said...

Thanks, Mom. This was a sweet surprise. I had forgotten that you'd written a birthday blog for the rest of my siblings last December, so I didn't even think of checking today until Craig mentioned it. Thank you (and Daddy too) for raising me up to value the unseen over the temporal. It can be a struggle especially when others around me have twisted perspectives, but I have a good example in you and for that I'm thankful.